Post 8
Source: Knowledgeshop


FBT-free Electric Cars

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New legislation before Parliament, if enacted, will make zero or low emission vehicles FBT-free. So who can access the concession and how?

Making Electric vehicles (EVs) FBT-free is just the first step in the Government’s plan to make zero and low emission vehicles the car of choice for Australians.

How the EV FBT exemption will work

The proposed FBT exemption is intended to apply to cars provided by an employer to an employee under the following conditions:

-Low and zero emission cars

-The car was first held and used on or after 1 July 2022                                                                                                    -Value below luxury car tax threshold for fuel efficient vehicles

If an electric car qualifies for the FBT exemption, then associated benefits relating to running the car for the period the car fringe benefit is provided, can also be exempt from FBT. Government modelling states that if an EV valued at about $50,000 is provided by an employer through this arrangement, the FBT exemption would save the employer up to $9,000 a year.

Can I salary sacrifice an electric car?

Assuming your employer agrees, and the car meets the criteria, salary packaging is an option. While some FBT concessions are not available if the benefit is provided under a salary sacrifice arrangement, the exemption for electric cars will be available. For a salary sacrifice arrangement to be effective for tax purposes, it needs to be agreed, documented, and in place prior to the employee earning the income that they are sacrificing. Government modelling suggests that for individuals using a salary sacrifice arrangement to pay for a $50,000 electric vehicle, the saving would be up to $4,700 a year.

Who cannot access the FBT exemption?

Your business structure makes a difference

By its nature, the FBT exemption only applies where an employer provides a car to an employee. Partners of a partnership and sole traders will not be able to access the benefits of the exemption as they are not employees of the business. When it comes to beneficiaries of a trust and shareholders of a company it will be important to determine whether the benefit will be provided to them in their capacity as an employee or director of the entity. 

Exemption is limited to cars

As the FBT exemption only relates to cars, other vehicles like vans are excluded. Cars are defined as motor vehicles (including four-wheel drives) designed to carry a load less than one tonne and fewer than nine passengers.